Saturday, October 6, 2007

Homoeroticism in the media

Considering what we've been discussing about in class lately and what we've been reading, I decided to pay attention to homosexuality in commercials and in other forms of media. I definitely notice the depiction of women as lesbians more than I have seen men as homosexuals. I think that homosexuality in the media focuses more on touching on fantasies more than allowing them to express their sexuality in a free and loving way, if that makes sense. That being said, women are more easily accepted as homosexuals because of the fact that it in some sick way is more socially acceptable than gay men. I believe women are more easily transformed into sexual objects, especially as lesbians, because we've been broken down in the media from humans into body parts.

Either way, it's still quite taboo to have homosexuals in the media as much of the public can be seen as homophobic. Even if someone isn't very sensitive to homosexuality in ads, advertisers often take it to an extreme which can make a very open-minded person uncomfortable.

We're still too stuck in the same mindset regarding the media to move forward and accept different sexualities, religions, etc.

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